
This is a place where a career, stay-at-home-work-at-home, former homeschooler, almost empty nester, rapidly passing through middle age, mom finds an outlet for the thousands of daily, unspoken words.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Lost Glasses

Okay, so it's time to relay the Saga of the Lost Glasses. A few months back, I finally relinquished the notion that my eyes were not going to go the way of the aged and that squinting and extra bright lights would alleviate my growing difficulty in seeing both near and far in an alternating fashion. Yes, I had purchased some cheap reading glasses some time back and had my driving glasses as well. But as time went on, I realized there were certain situations (like choir) where the benefits of simultaneous vision would be of great benefit. Therefore, I spent a good amount of money on a wonderful, classy looking pair of bifocals - and yes, regular bifocals WITH THE OLD LADY LINE! Since I have a propensity to lose items (see a previous entry), I was determined to PUT THEM BACK WHERE THEY BELONGED every time they came off my face, which was often, because I only wear them when absolutely necessary! I was doing admirably for a season. One day my glasses were missing. They were not in their case in my purse! They were not in the alternative places, ie: dressertop, countertop, pianotop, desktop, tabletop, laptop (J/K). I was distressed. I retraced my steps - back to church where I knew I had last worn them. I dug through both purses repeatedly and Steve did the same. I prayed and looked some more. I vowed (woops, we're never supposed to do that) that I would never buy another pair of expensive glasses. I just didn't deserve them. I would go through life with my cheapy cheat glasses and just make do! One morning, I saw my black purse on the couch - the same one I had looked through several times, and thought I'd take one more peak. Since it's a purse I only use on Sundays (if I happen to wear grey or black), it's practically empty as I transfer all the contents to my "every day" brown purse. (Aren't you glad to know that?) Can't hide anything there! The center zipper was open and there stuck in diagonally as though someone had just casually slipped them in, was my floral cloth case with my glasses safety tucked inside.

After cross-examining everyone in my family more than once, (did YOU do that?) I finally had to admit that God had decided to bless my day in a very practical way. He put my glasses in my purse. He does care about all the details of my life. Now I need to learn to trust Him more fully with all the BIG details of my life as well!


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