
This is a place where a career, stay-at-home-work-at-home, former homeschooler, almost empty nester, rapidly passing through middle age, mom finds an outlet for the thousands of daily, unspoken words.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Old Dog Is Getting Older

Our golden retriever/cocker family dog, Molly, has been with us for over twelve years. She was the cutest ball of fur ever and even though we vowed we would never buy a big, smelly, slobbery crotch sniffer, we did. She was irresistible. To be honest, she isn't slobbery or a crotch sniffer - she has never stooped to that canine level. But smelly she is and more so as she ages. Twelve is aged - in human years, over ninety. I have aged with her, albiet not as quickly, but just as certainly. I have a harder time getting up from a floor- sitting position, climbing the stairs and being perky, too. I like to nap more often, sleep later, eat more, exercise less and generally be lazier than I used to be. Molly and I identify with each other...well, not entirely. I am not apt to upchuck on the carpet regularly, leave pieces of my fur coat all over the house, claw the carpet irritatingly, have perpetual bad breath and demand to be let outside at inconvenient times. On the other hand, Molly is faithful, loyal, kind, patient, obedient and forgiving - always! Hmm....maybe this old dog needs to teach me a few new tricks!


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