
This is a place where a career, stay-at-home-work-at-home, former homeschooler, almost empty nester, rapidly passing through middle age, mom finds an outlet for the thousands of daily, unspoken words.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Feeling Full

I came away from church today feeling full. No, not from donuts and coffee...rather from the living water and the bread of life. That's how church should be always, but unfortunately it is not - for me, anyway. Sometimes I'm too full already when I get there....full of worries, self-doubt, fear, confusion...or just the cares of this world. When I'm like that, my ears sort of plug up and I can't hear what God is saying - my soul is sluggish - my mind semi-conscious. Today, though was different. The teaching was alive and vibrant, the worship heartfelt and real. I sensed God's presence and especially His love for me. I pray that every Sunday in 2008 is a banquet and that I can feast with abandon.


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